Just a godawful app
Oh how I hate this app. It does...not...work. At all. No matter what you try. It is a wretched waste of money. It is frustrating beyond belief. It freezes constantly. It hangs in mid-send and then...nothing. It gives you a confused red exclamation mark when you try to copy and paste something. Basically, it does everything under the sun except for the one thing its supposed to do: send your &$&&$&% clipping to Evernote!!
Giving this app 1 star is not just an insult to other 1 star apps--it is an insult to stars, period. In fact, Id like to apologize to astronomy clubs everywhere for this gross malfeasance--celestial bodies deserve better than to be in any way associated with this horrifically bad "Lightly" app.
Grape Julius about